Friday, January 1, 2010

Blackeyed Peas and Greens - Snack Version

It is a widely held southern tradition to eat blackeyed peas and greens on New Years Day - supposedly it will bring on good luck and prosperity.  This was not a tradition in my home growing up - Daddy said some the worst years he had were ones when he had peas and greens on New Years, so we always had steak on New Years - if we ate steak on New Years, we would be prosperous enough to eat steak all year long.

Nevertheless, walk into any grocery store after Christmas, and right next to the marked down Christmas candy is a display of dried peas and bunches of collard and /or turnip greens.  This year I opted for a snackier version - my version of what some call "Texas Caviar."  I am substituting Cilantro for collards - a great trade in my opinion.

First, I washed and sorted about a cup of dried black eyed peas.  I use dried peas because I will use my pressure cooker - if I didn't have it, I would use frozen peas, or as a last resort, canned - but if you use canned you need to rinse them first.

My pressure cooker is one of my favorite kitchen tools.  This Fagor is great - you can brown food in it, pressure cook it, and it also works as a slow cooker.  I use the browning function first. 

Lewis Grizzard, who was a columnist for the Atlanta Journal Constitution, published a set of rules for people who move to the South.  One of his rules was:  "Start saving your bacon grease, we'll explain why later."  Ok - here's one of the reasons - to add flavor to peas.  I put about a tablespoon of bacon grease and a half of a yellow onion, chopped, in the cooker to brown.

I added the peas and enough broth to cover the peas (you must use at least a cup of liquid in this pressure cooker.)  Lock the lid and cook on high pressure for 10 minutes.

While it is cooking, start chopping your veggies.  I used green and jalopeno peppers (seeded and membranes removed), chopped tomatoes, half a red onion, avocado and cilantro.  I seasoned a bit to taste with salt and pepper, and squeezed in the juice of a lime.

I tossed it all together with Champagne Vinegarette dressing (it is New Year's after all!)  Usually I just mix up some olive oil and cider vineagar with this dry italian dressing mix which I keep mixed up and on hand.

This is great with Tostito or Frito Scoops, or to just enjoy as a side salad.  I enjoyed it both ways today!

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